Meet the team: Meredith

Welcome back to our “Meet the team” blog series! In this series, we highlight the talented individuals within our company. Our goal with these interviews is to give you the opportunity to get to know our team members better through some questions about their work and personal life.
So far, you’ve met a few members of our team—Jennifer, Cass, and Cory. This time, we’re introducing you to the always-positive and cheerful Meredith!
Meet Meredith:
To start, what is your role at HOA Express?
I lead the customer success team!
What is your favorite aspect of working for HOA Express?
There are so many things I love about working here. The positive and supportive culture at HOA Express is a standout. We have a phenomenal team of people that I enjoy working with every day!
Within my role, I like that I’m constantly challenged and am always learning something new. I also find it rewarding to play a role in empowering our users to feel confident in using our software. It's a great feeling when someone has that “aha!” moment where everything clicks, and you helped them get there!
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Texas. 🤠
What is something you do every day that sets you up for success?
Waking up early and having quiet time to myself. My morning routine involves coffee, some reading, meditation, writing down my gratitudes, and going for a walk. Prioritizing this routine puts me in the right frame of mind to show up as my best self!
What do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies?
I am usually with my family and friends when I'm not working. I like to spend time in nature, travel, attend concerts, and try new restaurants. Before COVID-19, I was a pretty on-the-go person!
When I’m home, I spend a lot of time reading, going for walks, practicing photography, and catching up on television shows. I’m a big fan of foreign dramas and mysteries.
What is your favorite item you have in your workspace?
In the office, my favorite items are my plants. Now that we're working from home due to COVID-19, I would say it's my Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Birdie! She loves to stay next to me while I'm working at my desk.

Which 3 emojis best describe you?
😁—I'm an optimistic, lighthearted person. You can usually find me smiling, laughing, and having a fun time.
📚—I’m a student of life! As a curious person, I'm always looking to learn and discover new things from books, experience, or other people.
✈️— I have wanderlust! I love to travel and experience new places and different cultures.
What is something you’d like to learn more about?
Something I’ve always wanted to learn is how to play the guitar.
What are your top 3 favorite places you’ve visited?
Traveling is one of my passions, so it’s difficult to pick favorites. However, I’d say New York City, Costa Rica, and France hold special places in my heart. Below are some photos I've taken on my trips!

Top to bottom: France, New York City, and Costa Rica!
Within Texas, Austin is my favorite city to visit. I went to school near there, and I always enjoy returning to see family and friends.
Which destination is at the top of your list to visit next?
When it’s safe to travel, I plan on visiting the Amalfi Coast with my family!
You’re at a coffee shop, what is your go-to order?
Either a chai latte with extra cinnamon or a cortado.
Wrapping up
Anyone lucky enough to know Meredith will agree that she is overflowing with kindness, professionalism, and a zest for life! Meredith calmly approaches every situation with rationalism and logic and is an absolute pleasure to work alongside.
To say “hi” to Meredith or any of our incredible team members, please reach out to us with any questions or feedback you have—we’d love to hear from you!