Third quarter recap

Here at HOA Express, it feels like the last quarter flew by! As hinted at in the previous recap post, we interviewed for, hired, and began training a new team member on our customer success team. Meanwhile, our product team continued to make progress on the beta Admin Portal—particularly the communications and online payments sections—and on some of the internal tools we use to develop our software.

Keep reading to learn more about what our team worked on this past quarter!

🔨 More beta Admin Portal functionality

Most of our focus within the beta Admin Portal this past quarter was on the online payments section and some behind-the-scenes components that power the communications section.

Notably, we completed the balance history, create payment option, and edit payment option pages. It's also now possible to quickly rename an individual payment option from the list of payment options—something that isn't possible with the current Admin Control Panel.

Additionally, we made a considerable amount of progress on the initial setup flow that customers must complete to start accepting online payments. Plus, we're already working on the pages that allow users to update (or correct) information that was provided during that setup process.

🖋 Blog posts

In case you missed them, our customer success team authored several helpful and interesting blog posts this past quarter—including a guide for launching a new community website, tips for how to save money on utility bills, and a "meet the team" post with one of our software engineers. If you haven't already, go give those a read!

🛠 Internal tool upgrades

As mentioned in the prior recap post, a subset of our engineering team has been hard at work making improvements to one of the proprietary internal tools we use to build software at HOA Express. These efforts continued through Q3 and are nearly complete now. We expect to spend the beginning of Q4 wrapping up these upgrades, at which point, the rest of our engineering team can benefit from the faster development cycle these enhancements will bring!

Wrapping up

Our team is still loving the new office we moved into over the summer (highlighted in our last recap post), especially since the cooler fall weather has afforded us the opportunity to open the giant garage door on occasion. This next quarter is shaping up to be a busy one as we near the completion of the beta Admin Portal.

Curious about what it's like to be an HOA Express team member? Follow our parent company's new Instagram, which launched last week, for a glimpse into what life is like in the Sparksuite family of companies.

As always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, watch our changelog, and read our blog for all the latest happenings here at HOA Express.

Until next time.