First quarter recap

We hope you and your community are enjoying wonderful spring weather wherever you're located! Our team certainly is. Yet, even the winter weather we're leaving behind couldn't slow down our pace of product enhancements last quarter.
As is our tradition, each new quarter we highlight our favorite new features and improvements from the past three months via our recap series. This last quarter was an especially busy & exciting one, so buckle up—we've got quite a lot to showcase below!
👋 New onboarding experience

At the beginning of last quarter, we released a brand-new onboarding experience! This was a large project our team had been working on for several months prior. The new experience replaces the former "setup wizard" and offers a faster, easier, and more modern design. Plus, it's powered by our next gen technologies, putting us one step closer to finishing our ongoing effort to modernize legacy code in our codebase.
✅ Onboarding checklist

Once you complete the new onboarding experience, you'll be greeted with a brand-new onboarding checklist! This checklist, which appears on the Admin Portal dashboard, helps guide new customers through the most important first steps to take when creating a community website.
🛑 Improvements to unsubscribing

Last quarter, we introduced numerous improvements to the process of unsubscribing from emails. For starters, for convenience, you no longer need to sign in to use unsubscribe links. We also introduced the ability to unsubscribe from invitations across our platform. Plus, you can now unsubscribe from emails using your email client's built-in "unsubscribe" button (learn more). And that's not all! We also clarified the unsubscribe confirmation message to be more clear about what you unsubscribed from.
📝 Expanded beta page management experience

Continuing our ongoing project to move page management into the Admin Portal, we expanded the beta experience to include the ability to manage "classifieds" page types! This leaves us with just six page types remaining before we complete the beta page management experience and make it the primary way for admins to manage the content of pages.
🔄 Modernized password reset process

We've introduced a redesigned method of resetting a forgotten password—built on our next gen technologies. The new design is more intuitive, with clearer error messages and even stronger security. We'll eventually rely on this new forgot password functionality exclusively as we continue moving to next gen technologies across our product.
📺 Online payments overview webinar

Since the new year is a great time to begin using our fully integrated online payments platform, Meredith—our head of customer success—hosted a super informative webinar covering all aspects of how online payments work, including how easy it is to set up and how simple it is for residents to make payments. If your community has been eyeing the convenience of online payments and you missed the webinar, reach out to our customer success team for instructions on how to watch the recording!
➕ Combined “import” and “invite” buttons
To help make the buttons across the top of the "Members" section of the Admin Portal a bit less crowded, and to give additional space to describe these two features more clearly, we've combined the "invite" and "import" buttons into a single dropdown button. This also helps make room for future features!
🔼 Increased balance history entries
A small, but helpful improvement for customers using our online payments platform: the balance history will now display up to 500 entries (up from 100 entries). Plus, since loading additional entries does take a bit longer, we've improved the page to display an animated “Loading…” indicator while the history is being loaded.
🗒️ Pagination for payments
Also helpful for customers using our online payments platform—particularly for those collecting hundreds or thousands of payments: we've added pagination to the list of payments! This makes for easier viewing when there are many payments, and ensures the page loads quickly even on slower devices.
🖋 Blog posts
Last quarter, our customer success team wrote and published two great blog articles that are worth a read! The first offers suggestions for how to use various features to display advertisements on your website. The second is a timely article covering community events you can hold to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Go check them out!
Wrapping up
Phew, what a busy quarter! And this was just what we could squeeze into a recap blog post—we released many other product enhancements last quarter, so be sure to peruse our changelog to see how else we've been improving our product. Plus, did we mention that all the while we were interviewing for & hiring a new back end engineer, starting the process of hiring a new customer success champion, and designing and launching an onboarding video call for new customers?
As always, like us on Facebook, follow us on LinkedIn and X, watch our changelog, and read our blog for all the latest happenings here at HOA Express.
Until next time.