Third quarter recap

With a focus on building out the beta Admin Portal, this last quarter was a productive one for us at HOA Express. We expanded the featureset available in the beta Admin Portal, started modernizing our back end code, and made a handful of other improvements and bug fixes along the way. Keep reading to learn more about what we were up to in Q3!
⚙️ Settings in beta Admin Portal

The settings section of the beta Admin Portal was fully completed this quarter, encompassing 5 categories of settings and 13 total tabs within those categories. Although organized largely the same as the Admin Control Panel's settings section, this new one has a fresh coat of paint with some additional splashes of color!
📊 Visitor tracking in beta Admin Portal

The visitor tracking section, called the "analytics" section in the Admin Control Panel, has arrived in the beta Admin Portal! Like the settings section, this new version has received a fresh coat of paint.
🔥 Back end modernization
We've begun a journey to modernize our platform's back end code, starting with the code that powers our team's internal tools. While part of our product team works on building out the next gen front ends, another part will be endeavoring to translate our existing back end code into more modern languages, frameworks, and technologies. This will result in faster performance and an improved developer experience, allowing us to release improvements and changes more rapidly.
⚡️ Doubled SMS throughput
Communities of all sizes count on us to deliver text messages to their members in a timely manner. While this is a simple task for communities with just a few dozen members, it's far more technically challenging for communities with thousands of members. To achieve quick delivery for thousands of messages, we've doubled our SMS throughput capability to over 1,000 messages per minute.
🇺🇸 Support for U.S. military addresses
We now support the storage of U.S. military mailing addresses (e.g., Armed Forces of the Americas, Armed Forces of Europe, Armed Forces of the Pacific). Just like other United States addresses, intelligent verification and correction are available.
⬇️ Support embedding Omnify, Skedda, and Airtable
Customers are now permitted to embed content from Omnify, Skedda, and Airtable within a page's text.
Wrapping up
Our product team is currently working to modernize the back end code that the beta Admin Portal communicates with, and we're already very excited about the performance gains this will bring. We're also working to bring an entirely new sign in experience to our next gen front ends—one that's even more secure.
We hope your community is enjoying the cooler weather this time of year! If you're hosting virtual meetings due to the pandemic, check out these tips for how to best conduct them.
As always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, watch our changelog, and read our blog for all the latest happenings here at HOA Express.
Until next time.