March recap

In March alone, our product team deployed 26 releases to our production infrastructure. These deployments contained hundreds of individual improvements that touched 7,000+ lines of code and 400+ files.
Many of those changes were small—focused more on polishing our software and enhancing its reliability. Even still, we introduced a number of big improvements last month that we're excited to share below!
🎤 Announce surveys

Now you can quickly and easily send out an email announcement about surveys! Use this feature to help call attention to a new survey, encouraging members to submit their response. Read more about this feature.
🖼 Upload images into the Markdown editor

We eliminated the need to upload an image elsewhere before using it in our Markdown editor. Now you can upload images directly into the editor by clicking the image icon. The Markdown syntax is automatically inserted for you.
🔗 Merge accounts

Accounts are designed to group together related members and addresses. Sometimes, though, related members end up registering for separate accounts, resulting in disjointed and/or duplicated data. Admins can now easily resolve this situation by merging these accounts together. Learn more about how this feature works.
📤 Transfer documents

Need to move a file from one documents page to another? Use the new "transfer documents" feature to quickly move a document between pages, without having to delete and then re-upload it.
🕶 Start page as unpublished

When creating a new page, you now have the choice to start the page as unpublished. This hides the page from the menu until you're ready to publish it, making it especially useful for pages that will take extra time or effort to be ready for the spotlight.
🔎 Reveal/hide masked input

This nifty feature allows users to reveal any password they've just typed. It's helpful for ensuring your password doesn't contain unintended typos.
Wrapping up
Recently our product team has been investing time into developing the next generation of our front end interfaces. We'll continue to do so over the coming weeks and months, which will draw some of our attention away from releasing noticeable updates as quickly. So while our changelog may have fewer updates, rest assured that our product team is still tirelessly working to bring our customers the latest and greatest new features.
And as always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, watch our changelog, and read our blog for all the latest happenings here at HOA Express.
Until next time.