Fourth quarter recap

Happy New Year from all of us at HOA Express! We wrapped up another exciting year with our favorite activity: releasing a host of new features and improvements for our customers. With 2022 in the rearview mirror, we’re highlighting all of those updates in this quarter’s recap blog post.

Although we made dozens of deployments with countless improvements over the last three months, we've rounded up the most notable ones to showcase below. Keep reading to discover what we were up to last quarter!

↕️ Enhanced page reorganization

After months of effort and polishing, we released one of our most popular feature requests: the ability to drag folders and all of their content when reorganizing the page menu! This proved to be one of the most technically challenging features our engineering team has worked on in a long time, but we're very proud of the result. The new drag-and-drop design also makes it more intuitive to drag pages into folders, by requiring fewer steps to do so.

⚙️ Reorganized settings

Following the current industry norm, we moved the settings link into the user dropdown menu in the top right of the Admin Portal. This design is employed by the majority of the world's most-visited websites, so it's the natural first place for users to look for settings. To further improve organization, we moved domain & billing settings into the settings section and moved all member- & account-related settings into the members section. As an added benefit, these moves also reduce the number of links in the sidebar, making it easier to see all of the links on smaller screens and freeing up space for future features. More details about the reorganization can be found in the corresponding changelog entry.

☯ Grayscale letter previews

Previously, if you chose to print a letter in black and white, the preview document shown on the "review" step would still display the letter in full color. To give you a better idea of what the final printed letter will look like, the preview document is now converted to grayscale! Note: the guides (which don't get printed on the letter) are still shown in color to help visualize the margins/layout.

⬇️ Reduced letter pricing

On October 1st, we lowered our letter pricing to make sending mailed letters to your community even more affordable! The new pricing can be found here, and if you're interested in mailing a letter without the hassle of printing, envelopes, and postage, check out our letter mailing service.

♿️ Polished accessibility

Our engineering team spent several weeks this past quarter carefully reviewing and perfecting every aspect of the Admin Portal to ensure it’s a polished experience for all users—including those with disabilities. The improvements we made and the design patterns we established will be especially useful as we continue building our next gen front ends—like the public-facing community website.

📤 Export more content

You can now export three new kinds of content from the Admin Portal: activity log entries, group members, and survey results! In all three cases, the data is exported in CSV format for easy opening in spreadsheet editors.

🖋 Blog post

In the latest blog post from our customer success team—written by Dequalin—you can learn all about our recommended best practices for organizing your website's page menu. This post is part of our website tips topic, where we share tips and advice for making the most of your community website.

Wrapping up

Last year was incredibly exciting for our company and the community website builder we create. Yet, we believe this next year will be even more exciting! We can't wait to see what 2023 has in store.

As always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, watch our changelog, and read our blog for all the latest happenings here at HOA Express.

Until next time.