April recap

Our product team was busy pouring a tremendous amount of effort into our next generation front end interfaces, yet still found the time to release some great improvements this past month.
We've chosen our favorite five to highlight in this month's recap post. Keep reading to learn about the most notable improvements from April!
💵 Lower online payments pricing

We're excited to offer lower transaction fees for credit/debit card payments for communities in the United States! The fee for cards is now 3.2% + $0.80, down from 3.4% + $0.80. The savings have been automatically applied—no action is needed to take advantage of this lower rate.
⌨️ Forum formatting

Forum discussions can now sustain richer conversations, thanks to the ability to format topics and comments with links, images, quotes, bold text, etc. All new topics and comments can be formatted using our simplified Markdown editor.
🔎 View form submissions

Those with the ability to edit a contact or custom form page type can now also view past submissions. Instead of just being emailed, these submissions are now retained permanently for convenient future viewing.
⚡️ Streamlined domain transfers

It's never been easier to transfer a domain to our management thanks to a recently-streamlined domain transfer process. We cut back on the number of steps involved, added notification emails when certain steps are pending completion, and made the registrar names more concise.
🔗 Integrated changelog

Our feedback portal and our changelog have been integrated. Completed feature requests will now be tied directly to their associated changelog entry. Plus, our new changelog provides easy access to social media sharing.
Wrapping up
Stay tuned for future updates regarding the next generation of our front end interfaces. Our customer success team and management team are already testing early beta versions, with great success.
As always, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, watch our changelog, and read our blog for all the latest happenings here at HOA Express.
Until next time.