Meet the team: David

Meet the team: David

Welcome back to our “Meet the team” series! These posts give you a glimpse into our team members’ lives and allow you to get to know us a little better. In this installment, we’ll learn more about our Software Engineering Manager, David, who just celebrated his first work anniversary with us!

Meet David:

To start, what is your role at HOA Express?

I manage the software engineering team and projects!

What is your favorite aspect of working for HOA Express?

My favorite aspect is working with a small team on a big project. There are always challenges to overcome and new features to build. My passion is building the best product possible! 

Where are you from? 

Texas, born and raised. Like any Texan, I'm proud of my state.

What is something you do every day that sets you up for success? 

Coffee and alone time. Sometimes, alone time means sitting in the car listening to a podcast or audiobook on my way to work, but it allows me to take a break from the pressing needs of the day.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies?

As a father of four boys, my spare time is spent with them and my wife. We love to go to the movies, watch the kids play sports, swim, and go out to eat. I also like to read or listen to historical nonfiction books, especially about the founding of our country. Also, I love football and baseball, so if there is a good game on, I'll try to watch it!

What is your favorite item you have in your workspace? 

My multiple large monitors. Without them, I don’t know how I would get anything done. Below, though, are all of my workspace essentials!

Which 3 emojis best describe you and why?

🤔: My mind is always busy thinking about problems and solutions. It may seem random, but there is always a rational train of thought that got me to the random thing I just said!

🍽️: I love food and discovering new places to eat.

☯️: I aim to create a harmonious atmosphere to help us work together to achieve our goals and tasks.

What is something you’d like to learn more about? 

I like to cook, and I’d love to have the opportunity to take a cooking class! In another life, I'd be a professional chef.

What are your top 3 favorite places you’ve visited? Which destination is at the top of your list to visit next? 

Aruba, Kyle Field, and... I'm sorry, I can’t limit it to just three! There's also Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, New York, and London. I love big cities, but I never want to live anywhere other than Texas.

You’re at a coffee shop; what is your go-to order?

Something simple to order: a vanilla latte.

Wrapping up

If you need someone to talk baseball (especially the Aggies) with, David is your guy. He’s also an excellent resource for guidance and mentoring on a plethora of topics. David joining our team a year ago was incredibly beneficial, and we’re looking forward to having him around for many more!

Feel free to contact us to say “hi” to David and the rest of our team—we’d love to hear from you! To check out the previous editions of our “Meet the team” blog posts, click here.