Meet the team: Jennifer

Meet the team: Jennifer

At HOA Express, we’re comprised of a group of closely-knit people who love to create and support amazing software. There are two major teams within our company—the customer success team and the product team. Each of these teams is made up of passionate, talented individuals who are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our customers.

To shine a spotlight on these individuals, we're releasing our newest blog series, "Meet the team!" In these posts, we'll interview one of our team members with questions ranging from their work to fun personal facts to help you get to know them better.

We’re kicking this series off with the always bubbly Jennifer from our customer success team!

Meet Jennifer:

To start, what is your role at HOA Express?

I am a Customer Success Champion!

What is your favorite aspect of working for HOA Express?

I love the team I work with. ❤️ We all get along so well, and it feels like a little family.

Where are you from? What brought you to Texas?

I was born in Texas and haven’t left!

What is something you do every day that sets you up for success?

I have to laugh every day! It helps keep things lighthearted and makes it easy to not stress over things that may not be important.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies?

I like to catch up on shows on Netflix or Hulu. I also love to read and spend time outside with my dog, Jax (see picture below). Most of my free time, though, is spent hanging out with my family.

What is your favorite item you have in your workspace?

Probably my picture of my cousin’s baby. He’s two years old and SO silly. He always manages to bring a smile to my face, no matter what!

Which 3 emojis best describe you?

😴 I like to sleep!

🐶 I’m a total dog person.

❤️ I consider myself a loving, caring person.

What is something you’d like to learn more about?

Anything and everything! I love to learn new things. However, if I had to narrow it down, I’d probably choose to learn more about languages. For example, their roots, how they’ve evolved, etc. That seems so interesting to me.

What are your top 3 favorite places you’ve visited? Which destination is at the top of your list to visit next?

My favorite place I’ve visited would definitely be Tulum, Mexico. The water was beautiful and unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Plus, the Mayan ruins were interesting to see and learn about. Below is a picture that was taken on my trip!

My second and third favorite places I’ve visited would be The Bahamas and Colorado. As for where I’d like to go next, I’d love to see Iceland!

Okay, last question. You’re at a coffee shop, what is your go-to order?

I rarely drink coffee, so if I was in the mood for it, it’d be plain coffee with cream and sugar. Most of the time, though, I’ll get a Coke Zero.

Wrapping up

With her infectious laugh and big heart, Jennifer is always there to brighten your day. She has a can-do attitude and loves to tackle any challenge that's placed in front of her. She's an asset to the customer success team, and we're grateful for all of the work she does!

To say "hi" to Jennifer and the other Customer Success Champions, feel free to reach out to our customer success team with any questions or feedback you have—we'd love to hear from you!